The best Windows 10 Mobile features on Android -[AndroidTutor2018]

AndroidTutor2018- It’s time for Windows 10 Mobile users to face facts: Microsoft has consistently failed to deliver updates and features that keep it on par with iOS and Android. Sure, maybe it'll one day offer a viable alternative to Android, but right now, that's not the case. However, that's not to say all its features are junk. Here are the best features Windows 10 Mobile can offer and their approximations on Android, for anyone that's new to either OS.
Goodbye, Windows 10 Mobile
Android needs these 5 Windows 10 Mobile features

Some features on Windows 10 Mobile would be welcomed on Android © ANDROIDPIT
The good news is that Microsoft saw a long way back that it wasn’t going to catch up across mobile install base numbers anytime soon, but that it could still make the best of a less-than-ideal situation by its unique features a whole lot less unique. That means you can find all your standard productivity apps (email, document tools, etc.) available far beyond Microsoft's ecosystems. There are a few more interesting bits and pieces that Android users might want to try and test-drive though.
Cortana: Windows' personal assistant
Microsoft embracing rival mobile platforms means that you can also happily download and use Cortana on Android, though it's a bit more limited than on Windows, so it might not make a whole lot of sense. As a result, you might be better off installing Google's new messaging app Allo for a more interesting smart assistant experience with sass.
The main reason to install Cortana on Android is if you're already using Windows 10 on the desktop, as you'll then be given reminders across your phone and PC, for things like location and meeting reminders. You can also use your PC to reply to missed calls on your phone via a text message.
Essentially, Cortana on Android is pretty good at helping organize and keep on top of your life and appointments, but isn't so useful if you want to control your hardware. Switching Bluetooth on or off via Cortana isn't an option, for example. 'She'll' also tell you jokes on request, if you like that sort of thing.

You could use Cortana on Android, but you might not want to. / © ANDROIDPIT
Cortana – Digital assistant Maps: Microsoft got lost somewhere
Microsoft had a useful mapping weapon before its purchase of Nokia in the form of the HERE Maps being provided alongside Bing Maps on early Windows Phone (7 - 8.1) devices. Since the acquisition, however, Microsoft has definitely lost some momentum.
While early Nokia Windows Phones sucked, Nokia’s mapping app, later spun off as HERE and renamed HERE WeGo, was a solid option. A core of those features continue to exist on Windows 10 Mobile's mapping app, but HERE announced earlier this year that it didn’t think redeveloping from the ground-up for Windows 10 was a worthwhile investment.
The company has no such concern for Android though, so if you fancy an alternative to Google Maps, HERE WeGo is worth checking out. It's even got options for booking a cab, with estimated fare, and ride-sharing features too. Definitely worth a look.

HERE WeGo's Android app is a great alternative to Google Maps / © ANDROIDPIT
HERE WeGo - Offline Maps & GPS Continuum: A fluid experience where your phone is also your PC
While all services and apps are nice to have, the only single real feature that Windows 10 Mobile lauds over any competitor is the device-agnostic approach it's been building towards for the last few years. This whole feature set comes under the banner of 'Continuum', and essentially provides a single computing platform regardless of device.
This means that app developers need few, if any, modifications to make apps play nicely across different form factors. For users, the Continuum feature also provides the option to dock your phone with any screen to, essentially, have your PC wherever you go.
Canonical's Ubuntu OS, the only other platform to openly build towards a single codebase for all devices, is another non-runner in market share terms. That leaves a huge vacuum until Google and Apple ultimately announce their own takes on this problem.
On Google’s side, the rumored 'Andromeda' project should be what ultimately brings Chrome and Android together but there’s no official announcements as yet. There are, however, a few things you can do to bridge the gap in the meanwhile.

Continuum, AKA, Windows 10 Mobile's best feature / © ANDROIDPIT
Aim for the clouds
Android already has a lot of multi-platform apps to offer, but if you want a seamless experience between desktop and mobile, your best bet is to only use services that offer both. You probably already use a cloud-based email service, and as a result have some cloud-based document and storage tools at your disposal, whether you currently use them or not.
While security should definitely be a consideration for anything you're entrusting to the cloud, fully embracing it opens up a world of convenience.
A hybrid approach
Another answer is to use a fork of Android like Remix OS by Jide in place of your desktop. It’s a bit like Google's homegrown desktop platform, but actually offers a far more useful middle ground between Chrome OS and Android.
There’s a pretty significant compromise, however: even though you’ll get some of the simulated functionality of Continuum, because there’s no ‘official’ halfway house between the platforms, the apps will all look a little uglier than you’d want, becoming stretched in many cases.
That said, it's a great hybrid that's worth a look for anyone interesting in going beyond core Android features. You can download Remix OS for free, or buy a device that comes with it pre-loaded, like the Remix Mini. Don't expect too much from the computing hardware for your $79 if you do take that option though.

Remix OS can come as a download for your old PC or pre-installed on other devices / © Jide
One convenient dual-boot option is to try something like Maru OS (though unfortunately currently limited to the Nexus 5), which provides a Continuum-esque experience by giving you convenient dual OS options in one package. That way you have Debian Linux and Android to hand on one device, but it's not the same level of convenience that Continuum offers.

Maru's dual-boot option provides Linux Debian for the desktop and Chrome on mobile / © Maru OS
If you’re rocking a new Motorola Moto Z (or reading this in the future with another MotoMods compatible handset) , you can also check out the OneCompute add-on that’ll get you most (part) of the way to Continuum. Motorola claims it delivers a lag-free experience when you dock your phone into it, and it provides three USB ports and an HDMI connection to your TV.
In essence, it’s a little like a proprietary option that’s comparable to the two above, in terms of user experience, but with the added advantage that you’re only actually using one device, rather than two in the case of the Remix OS compromise. That means one set of apps to update, one single OS and one home for all your files.
It’s a convenience that’s sure nice to have, but if you’ve already moved a lot of your services and content to the cloud - music, TV, storage, etc. - it’s one that might not be entirely necessary in any practical workflow of actually using your devices.
The other advantage a docked/Continuum solution offers is a split-screen mode for more efficient multi-tasking. Of course, Android (in some forms) has been able to do this for a good long while, but without a larger display to truly take advantage of it, there’s not a lot of benefits for the average user.
Without one of the dock workarounds above, multi-screen will remain limited in use in the real-world. None of the options outlined above give a true 'Continuum' experience, but it gets you part way there.

MotoMods for the Moto Z / © Motorola
Appearance: Live Tiles offer advantages
There’s no really easy way to say this one. Windows 10 Mobile's Start screen is damn good looking, and practical too, but there aren’t really any good Android launchers that simulate that experience, without coming at a far higher 'cost'.
Opinion by Ben WoodsThe Windows 10 Mobile start screen is nicer than the stock Android home screen
What do you think?
5050533 participants

If you still like the idea of having some ‘Live Tiles’ and few other tweaks reminiscent of Windows on your phone, you can check out the ‘Win 10 Launcher’ but be warned, it can play audio ads with no warning. Or perhaps you’ll want to try the 10+ but that suffers a similar assault of Amazon ads. Live Tiles do offer a few advantages over Android's widgets, but not enough to suffer those ads.
Frankly, there are so many great launchers available for Android that can improve or alter the way it looks and works if you’re getting bored with your default, that using ones that are actively irritating shows an almost illogical dedication to Live Tiles.

Live Tiles are undeniably useful. / © ANDROIDPIT
Win 10 Launcher Conclusion
You may be sensing a theme here. There are few Windows-only features left, and when Andromeda (or whatever Google's converged OS is called) lands, the most compelling reason may well disappear. Microsoft's not about to give up its mobile dreams, but until it can convince handset makers that it's a dream worth investing in, it'll remain an also-ran.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't go ahead and enjoy the best parts it does have to offer though.
What other features from Windows 10 Mobile would you like to see on Android? Let us know in the comments below!
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1 Glenn Sle 2 months ago Link to comment
Launcher 10 is awesome!

1 j hanedry 11 months ago Link to comment
I moved from windows 10 mobile to android s7 edge because the os is lossing to many apps now. Paypal leaving was the last straw. I still think its the best os on a mobile even with the crap hamburger menu which I see as a throwback to android users. I like touch wiz but google now just isn't anywhere as useful or personal on my s7 edger as Cortana was on my Lumia 930. I am from the uk and don't have Cortana working as a voice assistant at all, shes terrible on my android device and only installed cause notifications show on my desktop, not even close to the brilliant she was and is on my desktop and windows mobile phone. Maybe pixel will change that as I don't see microsoft getting anywhere soon. After all its been 2 years and 1 reboot and skype still doesn't work great.. The built in version failed because microsoft didn't include all the normal features we have been used to like being able to send pics and vids lol but theyd have you believe people didn't want it built in. I say they do but they want it built in properly. Then theres the gestures app, a program that is the posterchild of microsoft in 2016, well to me.. a gestures app in 8.1 was loved by the users on windows mobile and at the time even android didn't have that functionality. People praised microsoft. But what did microsoft do in return, well 2 years later they still don't support it in windows 10 mobile.. It is also still on the windows store and it still claims to work with windows 10, but it has never run on my 930 or 830 lol never.. Even their promise of integrating the features into the mobile phone itself took 2 years to get a simple mute function. No speakerphone option the real loved part by most..If microsoft cant even support gestures, their own app for their own mobile phones and users then really why does anyone think microsoft will actuall do anything in the next few years. Even creating a reminder or calender date doesn't give me the variety of options like 3-4 different alert times lol, try 1.Microft made ground in 8.1 and to me I felt they had ccausght up there but 1 reboot later and many apps missing and features ignored has put microsoft back on the scrap heap on mobile. For me anyway. And I'm a windows 10 fan, mostly.

next year towards end of 2017 I will be chossing my eco system and more importantly cloud service. One drive is fantastic but unless they have a mobile phone with all the features apps and suck ill have to move. I want to live in one world for my computer needs and id prefer it to be windows but right now it isn't viable and I'm guessing that's not gona change in 2017. I hope I'm wrong but I aint waiting around while they reboot windows yet again. they've had their time. No google apps, no Santander apps, no paypal app, no my Vodaphone app, no flick nfl and many other games missing, the list for me goes on. Microsft does great hardware but why have they become so slow and bad at giving us software. I'm shocked.

6 thenext Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
it's a great hybrid that's worth a look for anyone interesting in going beyond core Android features

18 Albin Foro Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
MS was always a software first company, even in the 1990s the Apple versions of many of its Office and other software were as good or better than what it built for Windows. On the other hand it has idiotically restricted the current versions of its browser (first IE and now Edge) to the latest versions of Windows, which sandbagged its market share against cross-platform state of the art browsers like FF, Chrome and Opera, and has adversely affected productivity, since the browser really is essential to cloud based software initiatives. MS should at minimum build Edge for Android and iOS and integrate it into Office to make it relevant.

It may be Win 10 will be competitive with Android or iOS when mobile device hardware can comfortably support it, but that's some years out.

26 Wakfu Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
Cortana is very good.

8 Mobile Application Development India Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
MS should add the PC like task manager for mobile in Redstone 2. Full functioning task manager where we can see processes and services running, network speed, wifi signals in detail, battery in depth, and real time performance graph of cpu and ram and cpu temperature.

27 storm Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
Keep Microsoft UI far away from my android. And their services too
1 Mark

1 j hanedry 11 months ago Link to comment
Your missing out then. groove is great, onedrive bliss and their calender on their windows device is descent too. app gap is the real killer.

Everyones talking about voice assistance and alexia but Cortana on desktop is and has been able to do a awful lot for a long time now.

38 Mark Admin Oct 17, 2016 Link to comment
There are some nice feature in Windows. The only problem is Windows is fine on a PC, but it just sucks on a phone. Don't believe me, just ask Nokia.
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